I watched a recent webinar/conversation on AI and art with Marco Brambilla, hosted by RCA London. Brambilla said he uses AI now for researching and sketching projects. It saves time and money. But says the more specific you want the results to be, the harder it is, because AI is trained on “average”. Right now, he said, you see the limitations clearly.
He says film is now becoming more about spectacle. Narrative and dialogue are being removed and the result is very abstract. He argues that you have to be open to looking at something which doesn’t have a story. Someone asked about the soulessness of AI generated media. He said we are already in a media landscape that has lost the “organic” and "you can see it as a renaissance or apocalyptic."
Nude Descending a Staircase No. 3, Screenshot, https://marcobrambilla.com/NudeDescendingaStaircase The installation was placed in a new transport hub building in New York, designed by Santiago Calatrava.